Typical gameplay image from Single Player Mode. Surprises, unlockables, and much, much more!.A friendly and helpful online community!.A single player story mode, where the player works their way through the robot tournament, fighting computer-controlled opponents and many deadly bosses.An impressive amount of new deathmatch levels - 86 in total - as well as 20 capture the flag stages.A number of items in the game which the player can use to help them along.In fact, all moving 2D objects have a newly-made full range of animation frames! (As well as the occasional stationary 2D object.).Every character has been given a number of new animation frames as well, since none of them possessed the other four angles of movement that Doom characters do.Every Robot Master from Mega Man 1-9 is playable, as well as various other characters from the series.There are 86 new weapons the player can use each Robot Master's weapon is in the game, as well as some extras!.
There are several weapons which use hitbox detection, though these weapons aren't necessarily more powerful than the projectile weapons. A number of new graphics were also added. MM8BDM strives to unify Doom-style gaming with Mega Man's game world.